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Browsers Supported by Simulation Curriculum Community Forums - Cookies Must Be Enabled

Browsers supported by Simulation Curriculum Community Forums.

The Simulation Curriculum Community Forums are tested with the browsers listed below. Older browsers can still be used, but newer features may not look or work as intended. We recommend that you always use the current version of a browser. Most browsers provide an option for automatic updates.

The following browsers are supported on desktop:

  • Google Chrome: latest two versions
  • Mozilla Firefox: latest two versions (see discussion below)
  • Apple Safari: latest two versions (see discussion below)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: latest version only
    Note: Microsoft Edge browser works in testing.  If anyone encounters difficulty with this Edge browser please comment below.

The following browsers are supported on mobile:

  • iOS 9
  • Chrome Mobile for Android: latest version

Browser configuration:

  • JavaScript must be enabled
  • Cookies must be enabled


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    Keiron Smith Official comment

    Success, Ed!  Thanks so much for your persistence and troubleshooting!

    In your ticket you said: When I click on the message "Click here to enable them", the screen briefly refreshes on the iPad, but still does not let me sign in.

    - What sign-on service were/are you using?  I'm going to guess you were/are using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk)?  See below.

    Really nice breakthrough, Ed!

    I've done some additional testing given the information you have provided and this is what I find - and if you're feeling brave skip to: The solution (that will work)


    Safari Cookies Guide:


    About Apple Safari browser (Part 1):

    You will encounter difficulties using Apple Safari browser if you do not understand the following.


    The Error Message:

    Note the "Cookies must be enabled...Click here to enable them" message/link.  This is the error message we are trying to resolve.

    Social Media Single Sign-On:

    In my testing with Apple Safari browser, the Social Media Single Sign-On ALWAYS WORKS regardless of the whether the "Cookies must be enabled..." message is showing.


    Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk):

    In my testing with Apple Safari browser, if you try to login using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk) while the "Cookies must be enabled..." message is showing then the login attempt will fail.  

    Plus, if after trying to login using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On you try to enable cookies by clicking the blue link then the login will fail again AND a new empty white browser window will open.  Note, the new browser window has the following title:

    The Solution (and if this does not work keep reading):

    If you are using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk) method then you must enable cookies BEFORE you attempt a login.


    About Apple Safari browser (Part 2):

    These are the Apple Safari cookie privacy options - we will be reviewing the two options in the red box:

    About the Apple Safari Privacy option - Allow From Current Website Only (this will not work):

    If you have selected this Apple Safari cookies privacy option, then when you click the blue link to enable cookies the screen will refresh and the error message will still be visible.  That is to say, you can NOT resolve the "Cookies must be enabled..." error message if this option is selected in your Safari browser privacy options.


    About the Apple Safari Privacy option - Allow From Websites i Visit (this will work, but read very carefully):

    If you have selected this Apple Safari cookies privacy option, then when you click the blue link to enable cookies the screen will refresh and the error message will disappear.  That is to say, you CAN resolve the "Cookies must be enabled..." error message if this option is selected in your Safari browser privacy options.

    However, this will only work if you have NOT first tried to login using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk) method.  If you have tried to login using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk) method then when you try to enable cookies by clicking the blue link then the login will fail again AND a new empty white browser window will open.


    The Solution (that will work):

    If you have selected the Apple Safari Privacy option - Allow from Websites I visit, and...

    If you have tried to login using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk) method, and, then...

    If you have tried to click the blue link to enable cookies, but have encountered the white screen, then...

    Click the browser REFRESH button, and then...

    Click the RELOAD button.



    Now, when the browser page refreshes the "Cookies must be enabled..." message will have disappeared, and you can login using the Simulation Curriculum Sign-On (Standard Zendesk) method.


    Talk about Mission Impossible!

    A super-huge thank you to Ed Hubble for shining a light on this issue!


    Need more help?  Here are 3 follow ups about the iOS Safari setting "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" (and, apologies, these are all contradicting reports):


    Follow Up User #1:

    Problem: "I click on the "Sign In" button at the upper right, Safari gets into a loop where apparently it constantly gets redirected back to the same page."

    Solution: "I was able to resolve this in Safari by changing the privacy settings to allow cross-site tracking prior to getting logged in and then disabling it after successfully logging in. I have attached a screenshot"


    Follow Up User #2:

    Problem: "When I login using iOS Safari I am returned to the login screen, but my username is not showing."

    Solution: "I am using Safari on iOS and I have not turned on block all cookies.  However, I did figure out that your site’s login function is effectively the same as “cross-site scripting” which many browsers block (because often it is used for ad/spam purposes). Safari on iOS controls cross-site scripting on a different setting.  I had to flip the “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” setting to off (or just use Chrome)"


    Keiron says:

    Problem: "In iOS Safari settings I have Cleared History and Website Data, and tested with both the options Prevent Cross-Site Tracking ON and OFF, and in neither case can I reproduce this issue."

    So, if anyone has anyone here can clarify this issue, and enlighten is, please do.


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    Display Name

    Testing on Microsoft Edge, and I don't find any problems.

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    Ed Hubble

    I've managed to log in. Finally!

    It required doing the hokey-pokey and turning to the left not the right! :-)

    My working hypothesis -- after much testing -- is that the setting for ALL cookies and not just sites I visit must be turned on! This is under iOS 10 with Safari.

    That's not a good setting, though, as gobs of tracking cookies get added when you surf the web!

    The other setting "Allow From Current Website" is much better and much preferred!

    I'll do some more testing and let you know if that really is it. If so, hope there's a way you can fix it in your end.

    In the meantime, it's late lunch time!

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    Keiron Smith

    Updated, again, Apple Safari troubleshooting guide above.

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    Ed Hubble

    Appreciate your guide, Keiron!

    His advice applies equally to iOS-- i.e., iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

    You need to go to Settings, Safari, and then, under Block Cookies (that's in the 3rd group of settings under the Privacy and Security), you want to choose "Allow from Websites I Visit".  

    Just remember to restore that to "Allow from Current Website Only" after you've signed in (or, "Always Block", if that's your preference).

    Now onto the boards and actual content about the apps and programs!

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    Jd 2 Astro

    Firefox Cookies Guide:


    I was having great difficulty getting Firefox to log into here. I use NoScript and had to allow several sites in addition to the primary one. But I was unable to get rid of the "allow cookies" message. I was not about to set Firefox to allow all cookies. I finally determined that I had to allow cookies for "". Then I was finally able to log in. You guys really made it tough.


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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks sooooo much, JohnD!  Apologies for the inconvenience.  I'm sure your reply will be very helpful for other Firefox users.

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    Stuart Glen

    I'm not having any luck getting Livesky to work on Microsoft Edge, though note that others have had success.  Is there anything I can tweak to increase my chances?  It works fine on the other browsers I have installed (Chrome, Firefox).


    - Stu

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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Stu, 

    Please create a NEW post regarding this issue in the community forum here:


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    Got the cookies error, went to different pages at SC website, tried to login, got turned down again, found a Forum page, got in without problem then. No changes made to anything. Strange.

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    To get rid of the cookie error, I had to turn off "Prevent cross-site tracking" in preferences and refresh the page. This is a privacy setting. All your little social media gadgets set cookies. So now everyone knows that I'm using Starry Night. This is not acceptable. I do not log in through facebook or other sites. I log in directly.

    Please turn off this bug. I prefer to prevent cross-site tracking.

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    Keiron Smith

    Update for current UI.  These are my privacy options for...

    Safari browser on iOS 12.2:

    Safari browser on macOS 10.14.6:

    I have no problem logging into our community forums.  If you are encountering difficulty with Safari browser and do not want to use an alternative (i.e. Chrome or Firefox) please review the troubleshooting discussed in the post.


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    So I have to allow cross site tracking from all web sites I visit in order to get support from simulation curriculum?  That doesn't sound like an acceptable solution.  Please get on board with user privacy and stop requiring 3rd party cookies!

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