Developers are looking for more info about this issue. It mostly affects older Android device that have updated to the latest version of Android 13.
If you're encountering frequent crashing or "app not responding" issues please create a screen recording of the issue with the SS7 app crashing, not responding, the error messages, etc.
In the recording include the SS7 version number (See Help > scroll to the bottom) as well as Android OS specs and device info.
Make sure you're running the latest SS7 beta.
Share a link below to the screen recording using DropBox or similar file sharing service.
Please also induce a crash, then send the log. See Help > Email Log File.
Post the log file in a reply here.
And, if you REALLY want to help, please collect a bug report which is a little more complicated but possibly a little more helpful for developers.
So, 3 things you can do.
- Make a screen recording, share it here with a file sharing link.
- Email yourself a log file, post it here.
- Fill out the bug report.
Thanks for your patience at this time.