Keiron Smith Carson,
An interesting question.
The calibration/offset is saved in the app. I don't think it is saved in the preset. So, you have to re-calibrate when switching between mounts if using the same app on the same device.
I will correct my reply if developers say otherwise.
Keiron Smith Moved to SkySafari 7 | Telescope Support
Carson Hanrahan Thanks Kieron. Please do confirm - I’ll try same through experimentation switching between two scopes. If indeed it doesn’t work, can I request an enhancement to have such settings saved with presets? That way I can from one iPad or other device seamlessly connect and operate two different telescopes without having to go through the alignment/calibrate routine each time I connect. That will get frustrating. Rather not have to also have different SkySafari instances on different iPads, etc. to control two or more telescopes.
Carson Hanrahan Kieron, is this code maintained by Celestron or SC? In other words, on whose backlog will it appear? Have confirmed by tracing packets that SkySafari only ever reads the first location in the camera for center coordinates, even when preset/mount is changed. Presume this is consistent across all versions of SkySafari and SkyPortal as well.
Keiron Smith Celestron developers write and maintain anything to do with Celestron WiFi in our app. If you're using a Celestron WiFi preset, aligning via Celestron options in our app, that is all Celestron code.
We take care of everything else.
Carson Hanrahan Got it, thought that might be the case. How do I engage with their devs or get insight/priorities for their backlog? Don’t think they have a separate support site or forum here?
Keiron Smith Contact Celestron Support direct.
Email: mail@celestronsupport.com
Phone: 1-800-421-9649 -
Keiron Smith You can confirm my initial reply when you reach out to them, maybe I am wrong.
Carson Hanrahan Got it, thanks! BTW, support email is ustechsupport@celestron.com.
Keiron Smith Thanks for this email update!
Carson Hanrahan Hi Kieron - have an update from Celestron. Calibration/offsets are stored in the StarSense AutoAlign (SSAA) camera. Slot 0 of 3 to be precise. That’s read by SkySafari (or HC) when selecting “Connect and Align” and stored in the app. If you move the SSAG to another scope/mount, will need to re-calibrate, which makes sense. However, in my use case, I’m using two different SSAGs on two different mounts. SkySafari will read and remember the calibration/offset from each individual camera, but stores this within the app in only one setting; the app does not remember two or more different ones. This necessitates a “Connect and Align” each time SkySafari switches between two scopes/mounts to re-read that SSAG setting. So, while one can use SkySafari to switch between scopes/mounts, “Connect and Align” must be used each time. One cannot shift from one scope to the other just using “Connect” as the calibration/offset won’t be re-read without triggering the Align function. Bummer. That means if I’m using two scopes/mounts during a single observing session, I need to “Connect and Align” each time I switch, despite using two different presets for telescope settings. I’ve asked Celestron if they will/can update their code to allow for this. No response yet.
Keiron Smith Great to know, Carson - thanks so much for updated info! I have changed the title of this post to reflect this new info.
Carson Hanrahan Thanks Kieron. May I suggest the title to be “No - read on?” While offsets are indeed stored in the camera, they aren’t read and stored separately in the app. As a result, even when switching between multiple presets, all will show same alignment and offset until a “Connect and Align” is done again, re-reading from the camera.
Carson Hanrahan Adding, final comments from Celestron:
“The Skyportal app can only store one Goto alignment model at a time so you would not be able to switch between rigs without performing a new alignment. I think CPWI would be a better program for you in this case as you can save and reload alignment models but it would require a Windows computer. …SkySafari has the option to save multiple presets but Celestron is not involved with SkySafari development, only Skyportal. However I will pass on your feedback and suggestions to management.”
Looks like CPWI (and a Windows laptop, crap) for me. Or use SkySafari for one scope and SkyPortal for the other.