In Starry Night 7 it was possible to rotate the FOV rectangle of a camera. This feature seems not present in Starry Night 8 (or I haven't found it yet). Could you bring this feature back. I use it quite a lot for framing the objects.
Keiron Smith Official comment DevOps reference:
Mjmangieri I am very displeased with SN8 not providing the camera rotate (and the selection for FOV color)! This needs to be replaced as soon as possible. I'm considering asking for a refund of the $99. I use multiple cameras with differing FOVs and use the rotate capability to get the framing I need before I set the scope to run in unattended mode.
Keiron Smith Hi Stargazers,
We'll look into this for development. I'm not sure whether it's a bug, or the feature has yet to be implemented.
Thanks for your feedback.
Mjmangieri Rotation of the camera FOV has always been in the previous releases.
Eggerk I logged in to ask the same question - what happened to the FOV rotation handles. For framing images for astrophotography I need the rotation feature. Strange that this feature has disappeared as has been noted it has always been in previous versions.
Brian Ginn Add me to the list of extremely disappointed people! SN8 is supposed to be an upgrade from? with missing features?
B2infographie I bought the update Pro8 (enthusiast) especially to have the camera setting. We can not even turn it for framing.?! I hope it's going to be done fast enough ...
Not to mention all the bug and crashes. I am not really satisfied. I have less than in free software.
Ted White Leaving out the camera field rotation cripples the software to the point it is unusable for me. Another problem is the inability to set an offset for the field of an OAG or guide chip. Without rotation and the field of the guider I feel I have been taken in. Is it the intention of the developers to abandon the imaging community? If so, I would like my money back so I can spend it on something I can use.
Mjmangieri First of all thanks for releasing an update to SN8 which restores the FOV operations (and in a reasonable time).
However, the current implementation is flawed! Let me explain...
First of all, when a FOV is first used, dragging the rotation handle only allows a rotation of 45 degrees. After that the FOV snaps back to 0. There is a workaround (sort of) - you can select the Edit dialog and enter some other rotation angle other than the default of 0.00. I choose 90. After that you can use the rotation handle and rotate the full 360 degrees. However, on reload the issue returns and you need to reset the default.
However, the angle is WRONG! The FOV angle needs to be aligned with the current RA/DEC location. It is currently acting as though an AZ/ALT mount is being used (zero degrees as aligned with the horizon). Since most astrophotographers use equatorial mounts the angle displayed is incorrect.
Now SN7 had the FOV working just fine. When SN8 came out, the FOV rotation (and color selection) was removed - why? Hmmm? Don't understand why. Now, the latest upgrade claims this to be a 'new' feature. Well, not exactly true. Why can't we get the original 'WORKING' version from SN7 back in SN8.
This is frustrating to say the least.
Mjmangieri Crickets!! Any news on this issue?????
Mjmangieri Still crickets!!!!!
h.h.willems Hello,
Today I found out that if I enter a rotation angle of 45 degrees, I am able to rotate the FOV indicators. I always used to fill in 0 degrees for the rotation angle and then it appeared to be impossible to rotate the indicator. It probably works for all values but 0, but I have not tried this yet.
(Observe, FOV indicators, then select the desired indicator in the list, Edit and then enter 45 in the field for Rotation)
Mjmangieri Yes but it does not track the sky in equatorial mode. It always remains at the same rotation with respect to the horizon. Useless!!!!
h.h.willems For me it is not completely useless, since I only use it to see if and how a certain object fits into a certain FOV. In Starry Night Pro 7 it did rotate with time when an equatorial mount was set.
I also do think it is a shame that it worked fine in the previous version and not in the current one, which costed extra money to upgrade. There are more issues in version 8 that I don't like. This is a downgrade, as far as I'm concerned.
Mjmangieri My feeling as well. Here I paid for an upgrade (about a year and a half ago) and what I got was a flawed product. Not only that, but SN8 changed the formats of the various configuration items so you had to re-enter them. Here it is summer of 2020 and still no resolution to this issue. Terrible customer support on what was, and could be, a nice product. Seems like they put all the effort into the planetarium and fancy viewing and nothing for us remote telescope users. If the next upgrade (SN9 dare I say) costs anything to get this capability back, I for one am not upgrading.
Eggerk I long ago wrote off SN8 as a wasted investment in a flawed upgrade and deleted it from my computer; I kept my installation of SN7 and continue to use it. It's hard to come up with any explanation other than that they have simply stopped supporting the product, at least for high end users. I'd be surprised if they came out with a version 9, but if they do I certainly won't be biting. Disappointing.
Tom Wideman Two and a half years later, we've been advised in another thread that the alt-az lock is intentional. It stinks since this seems simple and I can't figure out why proper FOV alignment was removed. We've been told it's being fixed, and all these years later we now hear "we'll think about it." Given the clear voices in this and other threads, I just don't get it.
I found this additional discussion above while trying to search for downgrade considerations, as that seems the only way. More wasted $$$. Sigh.
Mjmangieri Well, I’ve had enough. I have had friends ask about purchasing astronomy programs and I now go out of my way to tell them never to buy anything from Simulation Curriculum. Use Stellarium (Free, and it works). For any vendor to remove a capability, then claim the missing capability is a bug in a new release, then put it back still flawed is inexcusable.
Keiron Smith Everyone's position is clearly understood. Developers did fix reported issues. I was mistaken in thinking this issue of celestial FOV alignment was also included, but it was not. So, the misrepresentation is my fault alone.
Developers will review this issue again.
In this case, you can shoot the messenger.
Apologies to you all.
Tom Wideman Thanks for owning it, Keiron. You can take my years of griping as indication that I haven't given up yet. :) I look forward to the fix.
Eggerk To find out after all this time that a fix has never been in the works... Astonishing. Meanwhile, I still use SN7 - I note the recent email sent to owners of older versions that if you have problems with older versions on the latest Windows 10 builds then the solution is to "upgrade" to SN8 - that's almost laughable (if I hadn't already wasted money on the SN8 "upgrade" which tempers my sense of humour). No, when SN7 stops working then I'm with @Mjmangieri, if SN8 hasn't been fixed by that time I'll be moving to Stellarium.