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[UX Issue] How To Delete, Edit And Create New Locations/Sites? (Answer: Observe > Sites, Read On!)

I've tried to add an exact home location by entering my Long/Lat GPS coordinates and there is no Save This Location.  I've also tried to edit the Earth-E.txt file but its empty.  I've also tried to delete a location by using both the back key and delete key.

It seems the methods used in SNPP7 aren't working in Pro Plus 8.

Hope this gets corrected soon.



  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Steven, 

    Please include a screenshot of your Home Location panel open to the Lat/Log tab.

    I've checked both Windows and Mac and can both see and use the "Save As Home Location" button.  So, not sure what you are referring to with regards to that.

    I know there is an issue at this time regards editing the name of a created location.  We will get that fixed in an update.

    Please always include your OS and app version number.  


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    Keiron Smith

    Also, note, as a workaround, if you have the premium subscription of LiveSky you can log into the website and add new site locations very easily, and edit the names.

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    Keiron Smith

    I see in the post title you are using Pro Plus 8 on macOS 10.14.2.

    So, just a screenshot is needed.


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    I've got 3 screen shots.  The first is the customizing my location, the next is saving my changes (the Save as New Observing Site has been grayed out or not there) which seemed to work and the last is the My Sites list after saving and quiting the program and restarting SNPP8.  As you'll see the location I added Purissima Way is not listed.



    Since the list has 3 different descriptions all basically the same coordinates and the Application Support files are either missing or empty how do I delete the unwanted locations?

    How can I delete

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    Keiron Smith, BTW I do not have the premium LiveSky subscription.  I appreciate that there is a work around but my first priority is to have the program work correctly.


    I'll ask this again, should I reinstall SNPP8 and if so what would I need to do before doing that, i.e. uninstall current app etc.?

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    HI Steven,

    Apologies for the confusion.  Please go to Observe > Sites

    Highlight your site then Edit or Delete or New.

    Since moving to LiveSky I don't think the app uses the Earth-E.txt file anymore.

    Please let me know if this works for you.


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    Again, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.  Well the Observe>Sites does get to the right place to edit, delete and create a new site.  thanks for the information.

    So I deleted the duplicate sites and then re-entered my home observatory long/lat and they stuck.  I'm curious as to why the location listed in the menu bar isn't the title of my location but what the program determines the "selected location" at the bottom of the Observing Sites list.  See attached.



  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Steven,

    The location name in the toolbar issue is known and will be fixed in the next update.


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