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[UX Issue]* Sensor Offset Is Not Working in SNP8

The sensor-offset in camera equipment is not working. A FoV using a camera with a sensor-offset still shows the camera FoV centred - ie guide camera with an OAG is not offset. This works in SNP7.

Also, the camera FoV rotation in SNP8 is relative to alt-az. In SNP7 the rotation was relative to the celestial grid.

Boh these features are required to be able to set up an OAG.


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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    OK. Since I can't access the URL above, is there any status on this bug?  I continue to wait for a fix for this (has been broken for as long as SN8 was released!!). Still can't use a product that I paid for!  (Been using another program which has the feature and costs nothing).  Very, very disappointed in the wait time for this fix.  Beginning to seriously doubt I will upgrade SN in the future.

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    Tom Wideman

    Keiron, ummmm, hello??? This issue has made SNP+8 USELESS to me as an astrophotographical planning tool. It (celestial grid v. alt-az) broke on the v8 upgrade, and, checking back a half a year after my previous hair pulling, I see nothing has been done. PLEASE FIX THIS.

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    Any status on this - it's now almost 6 months since the original issues were brought up. Still can't use this product!!!!

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    Coming up to nearly a year. FOV rotation is still broken. SN8 is useless for my purposes as an astrophotographer. It's clear that despite the DevOps reference there is no realistic intention of fixing this. I should never have fallen for the upgrade notice and stuck with SN7 (which is what I'm still using despite having paid for SN8). The unfortunate truth is that SN8 was an unsupported beta.

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    Michele Franci

    news? I have the same problem.

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    Permanently deleted user

    Is this being worked on? I haven't seen a SNP updates in awhile. I am running The last version on the beta trial site is - November/18/2019.  

    How can i access to see the status of the ticket?

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    Keiron Smith

    Anyone here can test the beta.

    We are working on another issue at the moment, before we can release.

    Thanks for your patience.


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