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[UX Issue]* What Happened To Spaceship Mode in Starry Night (Answer: Works For macOS But Still Broken On Windows 10)

Years ago, you had a Spaceship mode that presented galaxies volumetrically so that a pilot could leave the Milky Way then cruize across its outskirts, all while spotting where the Sun was positioned. One could then point at another galaxy, see its distance, and watch that distance diminish as the 3D generated image got larger and larger. The ability to fly out to other 3D generated galaxies based on their known types was a phenomenal experience for everyone. If one traveled far enough, there was a place where the total known universe could be viewed. I realize it was not technically correct, but it was the most beautiful feature for children and adults who want to grasp the grandeur and scale of the universe.

The current Spaceship mode falls far short of that version from years ago. There are no 3D galaxies that you can visit. For example, if you point to M31, it doesn't show you the remaining distance. It just vanishes at some point along the way. 

I recently upgraded just for this feature as it was advertised as improved, but it's really not useful and still a far cry from the earlier versions. Maybe if the idea of providing what you had 10 years ago is not acceptable to your astronomer audience, you should consider a spaceship mode only Starry Night Traveller that recreates what you had and more. It was a joy and I'm sure would be hugely popular.



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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    I mostly use Spaceship mode to provide an 'Orientation: Free rotate" function not currently included in the 'orientation menu' &

    also to 'hover over' to view specific planetary features (especially for shadow changes...and these appear to work OK in windows SN8.

    but flying seems to have some known bugs...

          When I can get acceleration to work using the workaround (the workaround  does not always work for me) ...I seem to approach M33 reasonably ok with distance.....

             but when the 'spaceship' flies past the 3D M33, then a "M33 label" still is displayed apparently at some infinite distance...and things start to get very confusing...

              Below is an album link with 1080p screen video(s) you are welcome to click through to see if this is also what you are seeing...the 'flight' video is un-edited so is 'slow' since the controls are sporadic..

             I also added a video using SN8 'SpaceShip' mode to rotate the field of view to match view via CCD or eyepiece, which seems to work ok 

    [EDIT: new link]

    SN8 Spaceship Mode Travel Issues: M33 label at infinity & 'Z' deceleration pitches view up, but works OK as a work around for "Orientation: Free Rotate"


  • 1
    Keiron Smith

    Hi Dan, 

    Please check this sub-menu.  The 3D galaxies are still there, and a treat to flyby in spaceship mode.  Thanks Chad for your help.  Unfortunately, it looks like Spaceship Mode acceleration is still broken in 8.0.2 on Windows 10.  So, we will have that fixed in the next update.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    I don't find anything at this link:

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    I see this...

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    Keiron Smith

    Sorry, I don't know what's up, I can not add an image now.

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    Hi Keiron,

    I edited my post above & provided a new link, now with a couple of videos & an image...hopefully that works better.  Please let me know if the new link still gives trouble...thanks!

  • 0

    Thanks, but I'm still not able to see 3D galaxies in spaceship mode. I'm running on a maxed out iMac Pro with Radeon Pro Vega 64 graphics and all the graphics options enabled. Here's a screenshot pointing to M31. It won't let me focus on it (crosshairs with countdown distance), but if I fly in that direction it just disappears instead of looming larger as you get closer (as it used to do years ago). I don't have a login to Unfuddle so can't see that message, Keiron.

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    @Growflavor- thank you for the video proving it's possible!

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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Dan, 

    Please confirm the following in your sub-menu as well.

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Thanks, Chad!  New links works excellent!

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