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Shader Options For Model > Projection - Correct Are Disabled In The macOS 8.0.6


I updated to Starry Night 8.06 and noticed that under the shaders menu in preferences  "Model" and "Projection - Correct" became disabled. I was able to enable them in Starry Night Pro Plus 8.05.

Was there a reason for disabling them?

Can I have the link to revert back to 8.05?

Are there release notes for 8.06?



Andre D Ficklin


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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Andre, 

    Developer say this option should only be enabled if your graphics card supports this level of shading.

    • Are you using the same computer?
    • Have you updated the OS?
    • What OS are you on?

    Even if these options are not supported Starry Night will still fall back to a slower method of drawing.

    If you want to install 8.0.5 please signup for a beta account at

    The 8.0.6 release was released to future proof SN8 installers versus the higher security standards that are coming with macOS Catalina in 2020.

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    Andre D Ficklin


    Before upgrading to 8.06, I was using 8.05 with Mac OS Catalina 10.15.2, using a MacBook Pro 16 inch with the following specifications:
     64GB 2666 DDR4 memory, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB GDDR6 memory, 2.4 GHz 8-Core I9. 
    All shader options were available, Model and Projection,  until upgrading to 8.06.
    So my hardware fully supports all shader options as it did in 8.05.
    I did download 8.05 but it a beta. Is there a released version I can download? Also here is a snap shot showing all shaders available:
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    Andre D Ficklin



    Here is a snap shot showing 8.06 with only a selected few of shader options:

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    Keiron Smith

    Thanks, Andre, I'll have the developers take a look at this.

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