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Starry Night Pro Plus - user data gone - Second Occurrence

This has happened again but this time while the program was running. this is frustrating given the 4-5 telescopes and various cameras that need entering. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I recently purchased Starry Night Pro Plus and proceeded to enter in equipment, cameras, FOVs, various sites etc. It was working but now seems to be gone. Perhaps the update is responsible for this? What is interesting is that Sky Safari on my phone still has all the data. Please let me know how to recover this as it took hours to enter. 


Jeff Edmonds


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    Steve Cox

    It's not just Pro Plus, it happened to me on Pro.  I finally got my lists recovered, but very unhappy about this.  And the fact they have taken away all ability for us to import lists to SkySafari and Livesky that are saved offline as .skylist files in case of just such occurrence makes me even more displeased.  I'm about to give up on them altogether, including SkySafari.

    BTW Jeff - the way I found I got my files recovered, is I added an item to each list on my tablet which still had the old info, which in turn repopulated the entire list back into Livesky.  That worked for my Observing Lists, but can't say if it'd help you with Equipment Lists as mine weren't touched by the data wipe/dump.

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    Dave Whipps


    Did you contact us directly about this? LiveSky data is automatically backed up, and can often be (easily) retrieved. I'd like to better understand the bug you experienced, because we have thousands of customers who are using these features without issue. Maybe there's a bug that we can identify and fix.

    I'd love to work with you to get this sorted out. Would you mind if I email you personally?

    - Dave




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    Dave Whipps


    Of course, that goes for you too. Please let me know if it's ok to email you, and your address.

    - Dave


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    Jeffrey Edmonds

    Dave - yes of course and thank you for reaching out. I was going to try to grab some screen shots tonight but what appears to be happening is that Sky Safari Pro (on an ipad in my case) seems to erase the data in Starry Night Prop Plus when Safari updates or grabs the information. I'll see if I can replicate it tonight.

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    Dave Whipps


    Please let me know what email address you're using for your LiveSky account, and I'll check the database to see what might be happening with your data.

    (Ensure that both SkySafari and Starry Night are signed in with the same account!) 

    - Dave


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    Jeffrey Edmonds

    Sure - I can see the FOV indicators and observing sites in LiveSky now. Thanks

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    Thomas Fechner

    Hello Dave,

    I have the same problem described by Jeffrey. I purchased Stary Night Pro 8 and I entered all my equipment. After starting SkySafari 6 on my Android some of the entered entries of my equipment are misssing in Starry Night. In Live Sky and SkySafari they still exists.

    I believe there are some more users affected by this bug.

    Kind regards


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    Jeffrey Edmonds

    I now have a video of this happening. I make sure Sky Safari Pro on the iPad is closed and then open Starry Night Prop Plus 8 and build a random telescope camera FOV. I then open Sky Safari on the Ipad and about 1:25 minutes later the retical and the option to use it both disappear. it still appears on the Ipad and in the LiveSky account. Here are two screen shots from the video.

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    Dave Whipps


    Ok! Can you confirm (it's just hard to see in this photo) that there is still an option there until "Telescope" but it seems to be listed as just a "dot?"

    This really helps a lot. I suspect the problem is actually in Starry Night, rather than SkySafari (or the LiveSky server code), but I'll have to debug. As you might imagine, the system can be a bit complicated!



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    Jeffrey Edmonds


    It has actually done both. Before trying to capture this shot everything would disappear to include the dot that's remaining under the telescope option in this image. It was only during this capture that the dot remained. Regardless, it does eventually go away. I just started Starry night and there's no dot. Appreciate you working this.


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    Donald Swetzig

    Multiple posts about the connection between LiveSky and StarryNight Pro and Pro Plus having issues with the user data & observing lists having issues loosing data.    I have reproduced this on several computers.

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    Dave Whipps

    Thanks for the reports everyone. Please remember to be specific whenever possible. It's difficult for us to diagnose a problem otherwise. We've just released updates to SkySafari (they don't deal with this issue) and are working on Starry Night next. This will be one of the first things we consider. Thanks again.

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    Jeffrey Edmonds

    Dave - I just tried loading user information again and it still disappears. It seems as though the observing list hasn't disappeared yet but the equipment data still quickly disappears. I figured it would have been fixed by now. This effectively means I cannot use this software - though paying for the more expensive version - for planning CCD sessions. Not trying to be snarky but this is very frustrating.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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