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Object info. "add log Entry Notes

Hi there, I have Starry Night 8 Pro. When you select a object such as a star, right-click, the  "Show Info" appears in the drop down menu, if you select "Add Log Entry", then select the "Notes" entry box, it only allows me to type 5-6 characters. I thought you should be able to type in some sentences at least. I wanted to type in "HD 211432".

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    Uffdaken, I'm just rediscovering Starry Night Pro. Sunday night was my first time using it for observations. I experienced the same behavior. But if I deleted that observation, then created a new one (sometimes twice in a row), the 2nd (or 3rd) time, I could type in the notes field to my heart's content. It's as if there is a glitch and that "max characters allowed" in the field drops down to 2 or 5 or 6 characters - or 2 lines (randomly). Then suddenly, intermittently, on a new observation, it will work.

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