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[UX Issue]* Links To Full Screen Object Images Are Broken

If I search for the Earth Moon I get to the info page for the Moon. In SS6 Pro it was possible to have a full screen picture when clicking on the link below a picture in the info page. In SS7 Pro it is not working, clicking on the link nothing happens.

Same thing happens when searching for the Sun, Andromeda or other item of interest.

Am I missing something? Some setting I should activate?




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    Keiron Smith Official comment
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    Keiron Smith


    1. Please include screenshots from SS6 and SS7 that show the difference you are talking about.
    2. Also, in Help > scroll to the bottom > what version are you running?
    3. And, what iOS version?


  • 2
    Garry Bluhm

    Hi Keiron,

    When selecting Info for an object, and the Info screen has a picture of the object, the link below the picture is Inactive in SS7Pro. In SS6Pro the link would show a full screen picture.

    iOS 14.8.1 iPad Pro & iPhone 7+ w/iOS 15.1,  SS7Pro 7.0.2 (1031) & SS6Pro

    1. SS6Pro





    3. SS7Pro

  • 0

    Hello Keiron

    As requested.

    SkySafari 6 Pro, Ver

    SkySafari 7 Pro, Ver 7.0.2 (1031)

    Using iPad Pro and iPhone X Max Pro, both with iOS 15 (latest version on each)

    As presented by Garry Bluhm this excatly what I meant in my post. Sorry if my explanations were not clear, English is not my first language, it is french from Quebec, Canada ☺️.




  • 1
    Luis Nuño


    I see the same behaviour on an iPhone 12 Pro Max with iOS 15.1.1 + SS7 Pro 7.0.2 (1031).

    Also, if you long press the image in the Info screen you get a menu to Share..., Add to Photos or Copy the image, which is OK, but no matter which option you select you end up with a black screen:

    1. Long press the image on the Info screen:


    2. Select any option from the menu or just tap outside the menu:




  • 1
    William Gwynne

    I have this exact same problem on both iPhone iOS and iPad OS.

    I need this to be like it was in Version 6 or I can't use it at the public stargazes I give. Please fix this ASAP!


  • -1
    Keiron Smith

    Thanks all!  We will get this fixed in one of the next app updates.

  • 1
    Steve Thurm

    Hi Keiron, how soon do you think this will be fixed? I use the full screen images a lot at our star parties and outreach events (Astronomical Society of Victoria in Australia). Many Thanks !

  • 1
    Keiron Smith

    Likely, it will be fixed in the next update - due first week of January.

    Thanks for your patience.

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    This hasn't been fixed in January. The last update was 7.0.2 in November 2021. Is there still an update planned that fixes this bug?

    As mentioned by Steve above, this is a deal-breaker for public outreach. I'm considering downgrading back to version 6.

    In case anyone wants to add a vote, the other functionality that is far worse in version 7 than in version 6 is in my other post at [UX Issue]* Request To Hide The Object Data Panel To Read Object Info Full Screen On An iPad – Simulation Curriculum Corp.

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    Steve Thurm

    I was disappointed to see that the problem with full screen images was not fixed 7.0.3……Feb 2022. Any update on when this will be resolved?

  • 1
    Luis Nuño

    Hello Keiron!

    Any update about the fixes of the issues described above?

    More than 5 months have passed since those bugs where reported.


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    Simulation Curriculum is very light-on with customer communications. I check every day for App updates, and contrary to suggestions of regular updates being released there has only been one in the last 6 months. Very disappointing.

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    Still not fixed after over 7 months. I check every day for a Sky Safari update that never comes.

    I have downgraded to SS6 and am telling prospective purchasers to buy SS6 and give SS7 a miss until the issues are fixed.

    They are:

    1. The image links don't work

    2. The screen real estate has been re-arranged to waste heaps of space, half of the screen, on low-value content. See [UX Issue]* Request To Hide The Object Data Panel To Read Object Info Full Screen On An iPad – Simulation Curriculum Corp.

    3. The menu bar takes more screen space and cannot be hidden. It's about 1/4 of the screen on an iPhone in landscape orientation.

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    Keiron Smith

    Issues 1 & 2 are cued for fixing.  We just have to be patient.

    Please attach a screenshot of the menu bar taking up 1/4 of the screen on an iPhone in landscape orientation.

    And please provide the following:

    1. App and version
    2. iOS
    3. Device


  • 0
    Luis Nuño

    Hello SkySafari Team!

    Today I installed the latest update of SkySafari 7 Pro (7.1.3) on my iPhone 12 Pro Max (iOS 15.6) and I still see some issues with the images in the Object Info screen.


    1. Sometimes the images are not shown in full screen when tapping the image link.

    It appears to be an intermittent issue and I have not found the exact steps to reproduce it, but it is no hard to find, just select an object, go to Object Info and tap the image link, if the image is properly displayed in full screen then go to another object and repeat the steps to see the image. In my experience the issue comes up with the 2nd or 3rd object selected.

    I have recorded the next video where you can see how the first image is properly displayed but the second is not:

    Link -> Images not displayed in full screen


    2. The image is displayed in full screen mode after closing the Object Info screen.

    Repeat the steps described in the issue 1 to find an object that is not showing the image in full screen, tap the image link 2, 3 or more times and finally close the Object Info, the image will be displayed in full screen once the Object Info is closed. It looks like the image is opened in the back of the Object Info screen.

    I have also recorded a video to show you the bug:

    Link -> Images displayed in full screen after closing Object Info screen


    3. The image displayed in full screen is not rotated when I turn my phone from portrait to landscape orientation. This was perfectly working in SS6, but not working in SS7.


    4. Screen goes black when I long press on an image and the context menu is displayed, no matter which option I select from the menu, or even if I tap outside the menu. This is not a new bug, I reported it on November, last year.

    Still, here I share with you a video of this bug:

    Link -> Black screen when long press on image


    I really love my SkySafari apps and I enjoy using them, so I hope those videos are useful and help you to fix those issues.




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    Garry Bluhm

    RE: Update 7.1.3(1060) for [UX Issue]* Links To Full Screen Object Images Are Broken

    Garry Bluhm
    Wednesday at 12:41
    Using iPad Pro 9.7 iOS 15.6, SkySafari 7 Pro w/update 7.1.3(1060). Have Offloaded App & reinstalled.

    With the recent Update 7.1.3 (1060) when selecting the link below image does not immediately pop up the desired full screen image as it did in SS6Pro

    For example from Search select Saturn:

    Selecting link results in no change to screen display until you close X it out , then the screen below is seen:

    When you finally close X out the Search selection will you finally get to this:


    iPhone 7 Plus iOS 15.6 w/SS7Pro 7.1.3 (1060).With the iPhone 7 Plus things start out normal. Select Search>Sun & Planets and can select Saturn and image link for Saturn and a full screen image immediately pops up. Tap the image of Saturn and it goes away to leave you at the search List of Planets and can now select another Planet with the same normal full screen link selection behavior. Now Exit out of Search, select Search again, and try to do the exact same process. The link to the full screen image does not pop up the image immediately when selected. Close X out the Search and the image will now popup to be seen full screen.

    Is this not supposed to operate essentially the same as SS6Pro?


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    Pedro Braganca
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    I manage a software development team and I don't normally complain about other developer's product service, but I can't understand a development team only performing one release in a year, and then in that release only making a half-hearted attempt to fix what I consider a major feature of the product. I know if we shipped our product (which we do every 6 weeks), and I claimed to fix a feature, then our community would be loudly complaining, and asking questions like "did you actually test this"? 

    So what's the story, team? When can we expect a fix? Can we normally only hope for a bug fix release once in a year, and then hope it actually fixes the bugs, and if not wait another year? 

    I'm still recommending my astronomical community keep using Sky Safari 6 until Sky Safari 7 works at least as well.

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    Luis Nuño

    Hello SkySafari Team!

    Last night I installed the latest SkySafari 7 Pro update (7.1.4 (1062)) on my iPhone and proceeded to re-test all the 4 issues that I reported on August 3, but I see 3 of them were not fixed with this update.

    Issues 1, 2 and 3 are still present in the current version .

    Only issue number 4 was fixed .

    As I already said... I love using SkySafari, so I will keep checking for future updates and reporting any issues found.




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