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Sometimes, When I Start A New Observation In Starry Night Pro 8 It Seems That The Text Box Is Limited To Only One Line Or Less

Has anybody else experienced this? We start a new observation and, in the "notes," it's as if there's a limitation for 10 characters, or 15, or just one line, or exactly one line and a half? Am I doing something wrong in those cases? Usually, I just select | copy the text, then delete that "bad" observation, open a new one, then paste in the text and the new (second) observation has always been able to accommodate the full amount of text in the text box. I wonder what would cause such a thing. When I'm live-streaming and bragging about Starry Night Pro, it's always a bit ... awkward, because I pretty much have to admit that it seems like a bug in the code, right?


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    I'm providing a sample occurrence of this. In last night's two-hour session with 11 observations, I think it happened on 3 of the 11 instances. See it in action as a glitch at this time stamp:

    I've queued the video to the exact place when the glitch occurred. In this case, it was permitting only 2 characters to be typed into the description box. What am I doing wrong?

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    Encountered this again on my live-stream last night. When I have to delete the observation with the glitch, I just usually have to say something like, "I've reported this apparent bug to the folks at Sim Curr and they appear not to have responded yet about it." Starry Night Pro Plus also crashed 3 times during the live-stream. It seemed to be happening in conjunction with the telescope control plug-in.

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    Still curious if SimCur knows about this bug. It happened a couple of more times in the live-stream I did Tuesday night.

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    Just wondering, another week later, if SimCur is aware of this apparent, intermittent bug. One of the great things I tell people about Starry Night Pro is that -- at least there's a customer service group that will listen, interact, and help us with this paid software. Thank you for ANY help you can give us when we encounter a problem like this. We appreciate you. Starry Night Pro is sooooooo powerful! We just want the whole astro community to appreciate it as much as we do!


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    Just registering here -- it's been over a month since I reported this apparent bug... and no one from Sim Curr has even acknowledged this thread... that it even exists. I just want to be able to tell my peers on CloudyNights, in Zoom calls, and in person -- that Sim Curr cares about their customers. I've shared video examples of this apparent bug, but I don't think anyone has even registered it that it's being considered. And it's been over a month now.

    What kind of response time line should we expect when we report a bug on this forum? Just curious. Is ... one week too much to ask? One month?


    PS. Remember, I'm a HUGE fan of Starry Night Pro. But even when I'm making these training videos and when I'm live-streaming and my viewers see this bug, I still can't even tell them that Sim Curr has even admitted that it exists yet.

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    Keiron and company, any news on whether or not developers have been able to take a look at this behavior?

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    Seems like you told me in an email from Customer support that this bug had been added to the list of code that needs fixed -- like... the "observed column" in the search box. Any idea when SimCurr might give some love and attention to SNP? Remind us when Sky Safari updated to version 7? Could we hope for a code update in SNP by, say, June? Is there a goal on the books for the next 8.2 update... or even 8.11? With the deepest respect (and I mean that), at least can you tell us when those two outright bugs might get some attention please?

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    Hello Keiron and company at Sim Curr. Any update on when this glitch might be fixed. In last night's observing session, SNP8+ grew PARTICULARLY prone to doing this. SNP8+ is the CORE to my workflow. But, with deep respect, this is getting more and more annoying. If you get a chance, start at this moment in my video (I've queued it up exactly when the glitch is happening) and hear my growing frustration with this program glitch please:

    I keep the observation window kind of hidden because this glitch happens and it's so frustrating. And this isn't a program we downloaded for free. This is something we PAID for. And I LOVE so many things about SNP so, honestly, the thought of switching to something else just isn't attractive. What else could be so powerful?! But please... can we fix this???? I reported this and provided video evidence of it in January. You said it had been added to a list to fix. Please give us an indication of when Sim Curr might address this??????

    Thank you for all you do for the hobby and for astronomers!!!


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    I'll just cut bait and change my work flow. I'll stop using Starry Night Pro Plus to record observations. It's just taking too long to fix this glitch. I reported it with video evidence in January. That's now 8 months without an attempted fix at all. And this glitch is a deal-breaker when recording observations. Likewise, the "Observed" column hasn't been addressed either -- and it was reported long before I came along. The OAL export doesn't work from LiveSky, so I'll have to export to CSV and painstakingly export import these hundreds of observations out of LiveSky into something else - like Deep-Sky Planner. It's sad, really. I'll still plan on using Starry Night Pro Plus for views of the night sky. But even that is hampered by the glitch relating to the fact that the Starry Night app window doesn't play well with any version of Windows -- and you guys have known about THAT glitch for (literally) years. Again, it's a kind of tragedy - because SNP8 is an amazing piece of software. So sorry to say ... Sim Curr is letting it languish.

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    Update to this glitch: I'm still using Starry Night Pro Plus for planetarium software views, but now using Deep-Sky Planner 8 for planning, slewing, tracking and observation. No longer waiting on Sim Curr to fix this glitch.

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    OK... I think I'm going to have to step away from Starry Night Pro. I think it was an amazing venture at its time.

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    Keiron Smith

    Sorry, Doug.  This isn't an easily reproducible bug.  You've said in the beginning of this discussion that it happens 3 out of 11 times.

    For developers to fix an issue it has to be reproducible.  Sorry, but I can't reproduce this issue.

    But, that said, developers haven't released an SN8 update this year, and I don't know when the next update is coming.

    Like you said, Starry Night has a lot to offer.  And, there are known issues.  And, hopefully workarounds can be found for the issues found.

    As you know, software is never perfect.  It's always going to be a case of working around some issue or another, whether using Starry Night or Stellarium.

    Your passion for Starry Night is duly acknowledged by the development team.  And, if you retire Starry Night as a result of this issue we will certainly be disappointed.  

    Starry Night has more than 25 years of development and legacy.  That is way more than any other astronomy program on the market today.

    Personally, I am very sorry to let you down.  But, unfortunately, I can't make an update happen at this time.


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    Hi Keiron. Thanks for responding, but, with deepest respect (and I mean that), please glance at this thread and realize how long I waited before I finally pulled the plug. I know I'm just one user. But honestly... it felt like I was one of your strongest advocates.

    Sadly, I've uninstalled Starry Night Pro Plus and I've moved on to Stellarium. It's not as pretty - but the stars are there... and I've yet to experience a single glitch... and I can alt-tab to it... and the telescope control is stable.

    I've also removed from YouTube and the web the 15 or so help and tutorial videos I made advocating for SNP8. So sorry.


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    Keiron Smith

    This one is totally on me.  I lost track of this post.  No excuses.

    I appreciate your frustration, and am sorry to let you down.

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    What I CAN say is - thank you for not becoming defensive or unkind. It does seem like, in the end, you at least answered.

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