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SynScan Pro Version 2.0.6 Android App On Google Play (Message From SynScan Developers To The SkySafari + SynScan Users)

We just released SynScan Pro app version 2.0.0 on Google Play.

This is our first version of SynScan app developed with QT, yet we have not figured out how to keep the app running in the background and acting as a TCP server. As a result, your Skysafari app will not be able to work with this version of  SynScan Pro normally to control a Skywatcher mount. We will continue to work on this issue.

As a temporary solution, we suggest our users make use of the Freeform feature provided by Android and run the SynScan Pro app in a smaller floating window while using Skysafari.


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    I tried the latest, 2.0.3 version of the SynScan Pro app. Even that doesn't work. It sends this error message when trying to connect: "Connection Failure / SkySafari Pro can make a wireless connection to the scope, but the scope is not responding..."

    The version 1.19.16 still works fine.

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    Jan Buytaert

    Hello Kieron,
    can you please detail more what you mean by the workaround using freeform and a floating window. Will that allow the connections to work? When will the bug be solved? Thank you, Jan

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    Keiron Smith

    SynScan Pro App version 2.0.6 is now available in Google Play Store.

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    Keiron Smith


    SynScan is not our app.  We are not the developers.  

    If you want help regarding your app and scope control please create a NEW post in the community forum.

    SkySafari | SkyWatcher Telescopes

    We will find a SynScan app user to assist.

    You are also welcome to join us the for SS7 Android beta testing on now.

    Beta Testing SkySafari 7 (Android Only) - Read EVERYTHING To Participate!



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