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How To Keep SkySafari 7 Pro From Disconnecting After 15 Minutes When Connected To SynScan Pro App? (Answer: Read On)

I know, probably shouldn't post this but I'm desperate......

Finally upgraded to SynScan Pro 2.0.12 today. They still haven't fixed the WiFi connection timeout issue I've been suffering through.

I have:

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

Android 12/OneUI 4.1.1

SynScan Pro 2.0.12

What happens is my S22 Ultra will connect to the adhoc WiFi on either my SkyQuest XX12G or my friend's SkyWatcher SynScan Dob and stay connected no problem. The SynScan App however will disconnect after 15 minutes when the SynScan App is placed in the background. You can set your watch to it. It really messes with the enjoyment of Scope Control that SkySafari offers.

The only way to use SkySafari 7 Pro for scope control is to bring the SynScan app to the foreground in intervals of less than 15 minutes or the scope connection will be lost.

Forget about using the two apps together for an imaging session. It's just too much of a hassle.

SkyWatcher is not being any help here and I'm beginning to wonder if anyone is even trying to fix this. It's been an issue since joining the Beta for SS7Pro for Android.......


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    Keiron Smith Official comment
  • 0
    Keiron Smith


    This issue is scheduled for review by Ros for version SS7 7.1 on Android.

    Previously, you posted that the solution was to run the apps in split-screen mode.  Is that still a solution?

    [Scope Control]* SynScan App 2.0.6 Must Run In Split Screen Mode, As Backgrounding The App Results In Disconnection After 15 Mins


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    Mike Atkins

    There are actually 2 workarounds.

    1st is to run it in split screen mode, but you must interact with the synscan app In intervals of less than 15 minutes. Even even if you just touch the screen within within the app it will reset the timer.


     The other work around is to use them like normal. That is background the SynScan app and run SkySafari in full screen mode. If you use this method you must switch back to the SynScan app in intervals of less than 15 minutes. Again, even if you just touch the screen within the SynScan app it will reset the timer then you can go back to SkySafari.


    The first time I reached out to SkyWatcher USA they wouldn't help me. I have the XX12G and even though it has the exact same SynScan Go-To system it's not a SkyWatcher scope. I've since gotten my hands on a SkyWatcher 14" SynScan Dob and I have the exact same issue with the SynScan app. Version 2.0.12 will disconnect from the mount in exactly 15 minutes. My Galaxy S22 Ultra never disconnects from the mount's WiFi, only the SynScan app does. This time around they have asked for more details, so far anyway.......

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    Mike Atkins

    Just answered another reply from SWUSA. They suggest reinstalling the app. I've done that at least 10-12 times. That's not the fix.....

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Ros will review this for 7.1.

    Thanks for all the info, Mike.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    You're welcome. If there's more info or suggestions let me know, I'll try almost anything.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    It's really just a PITA more than anything.. I've really gotten into smartphone astro imaging, and the less I have to disturb my device when it's clamped to the eyepiece the better. Smartphone cameras have really come a long way over the last few years.. There's a little bit of a learning curve, but you can get some really nice pictures using this method.

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    Keiron Smith

    Have you tried adding SS7 to the setting "Apps that won't be put to sleep"?

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    Mike Atkins

    One other thing, if this is going to be reviewed for the 7. 1 release for android, comma when I get home this afternoon I'll connect to the scope go using the normal method And set a 16 or 17 minute timer. Once the timer goes off I will have lost the connection to the scope, and I'll capture a log file and send it to you.

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    Keiron Smith

    Excellent idea, Mike!

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    Keiron Smith

    And side project, if you would like to provide a discussion about how you use SS7 and your phone to make astro-images, I'm sure many in our community forums would find such a discussion very valuable :)

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    Mike Atkins

    No, I have not added it to the apps to not put to sleep list. I do have SS7 set to keep the device awake in the settings for SS7.

    I saw that in my device settings but never thought about it because of how I have sky safari set to behave. I always thought it was the other app app because of what I've had to do to keep this connection to sky safari active.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    I'll send you a full update in 4 or 5 hours or so

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    Mike Atkins

    I had to look for that setting.

    Samsung's OneUI under Android 12 has it in a different submenu. It does not give the option to add either SS7 or SynScan Pro to the list.....

    I can, however, set a timer for background usage limit up to 23h - 59m......

    Something to try. .

  • 0
    Mike Atkins


    I sent you an email. It explains this afternoon's tests/checks and includes 2 logs. One was from checking using my OnePlus 8Pro/Android 11, the other while using my S22 Ultra/Android 12.

    Hope it helps and if you need anything else let me know.


  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    The 2 posted workarounds work for me.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins


    @Keiron, I did some more in-depth testing of the WiFi disconnect issue and have come to a conclusion. The issue is definitely caused by SkySafari 7 Pro, I haven't reinstalled Plus but I suspect the same behavior. Give me a couple days and I'll test with the latest version of SS7 Plus.

    Today I went as far as backing up all important data on my S22 Ultra, reset the device, and started out fresh. If I launch only SynScan Pro 2.0.12 and go through the process to connect, align, and actually track an object everything works perfectly. I zeroed in on Alioth and began tracking it. After more than 45 minutes the scope was still on target and tracking properly. Even after screen timeouts and device timeouts after waking/unlocking Alioth was still in the Fov and SynScan Pro was responsive and functioning as expected.

    As soon as I introduce SS7 into the mix I get the error that I've lost the connection to the scope. When this happens the connection is also lost in SynScan Pro. I haven't looked into the logs I sent but something is happening in SkySafari around the 15 minute mark and the WiFi connection is lost in both apps. I can reproduce this on two devices at will.

    SynScan Pro 2.0.12
    SkySafari Pro

    Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
    Android 12/OneUI 4.1.1

    OnePlus 8 Pro
    Android 11/Oxygen OS 11

    If you need something special let me know.


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    Mike Atkins

    Also, no promises here, but I can fire up the Linux box and see if I can capture a more detailed log file. I tried on the S22 Ultra but I haven't modified/rooted so capturing on device logs yields no info. Particularly where the SynScan app is concerned. It's been a while but maybe I can capture some useful info beyond what the email logfile option can.

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    Keiron Smith

    Hi Mike, 

    Thank you for all this troubleshooting.  This issue was discussed in our weekly meeting and Ros is going to try to reproduce what you have discovered.  

    Before you do anymore, let us see what Ros says.

    You have done so much already!

    Leave it with us for the time, and we'll let you know if there is anything specific we need you to check.

    Thank youuuuuuuuu, Mike!

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    You are Most Welcome! If you need something for this, or anything else, just ask.

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    Mike Atkins

    Just wanted to post an update. Running, issue persists...

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    Keiron Smith

    Sorry, Mike, I don't think Ros could find a fix yet.

    Fingers crossed.

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    Mike Atkins

    I had a thought, is it possible that I could get a copy of all the APK's. My thought is I could start rolling back (uninstall then install the previous). When (if) I get back to a release before this issue surfaced it could give an idea as to what may have changed. May give insight into a possible fix.


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    Keiron Smith

    I will forward this idea to Ros.  I don't think we are going to give out APKs.  But, if required, maybe something can be done via the older beta testing builds.


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    Mike Atkins

    That what I was thinking, go back through some of the old beta bulds, that is if y'all are ok with it....

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    Keiron Smith

    Mike, this is still an issue?

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    Mike Atkins

    Hi Keiron,

    I apologize for the delayed reply.


    I have only had the scope out a couple times over the last few weeks. The weather has been uncooperative and I completely disassembled the scope's OTA and flocked it, but IIRC the issue persists as of 7-10 days ago.

    If I use one of the two workarounds I can stay connected.

    I am 99.99% certain the issue lies with the SynScan app for Android from SkyWatcher. I've been checking their website occasionally and the latest Android version is still 2.1.11 so they haven't found a solution yet.

    My current setup is:

    Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
    Android 13/OneUI 5.0 Build TP1A.220624.014.S908U1UEU2BVL1
    Synscan Pro 2.1.11
    SkySafari Pro Beta


    On a side note I need to move from the Beta to the regular build one of these days. For now I am not making any changes unless you suggest otherwise. 

  • 0
    Keiron Smith

    Thanks for the update, Mike.

    I think, stick with the beta for now.

    But, if you want to uninstall, the public release will probably be available for free once you dropout of the beta testing.

    Just let me know.  If you have to pay I will give you a redeem code.

  • 0
    Mike Atkins

    That's all I need to hear, I'll stay put until I have to go to the public release.


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    Mike Atkins


    Just wanted to post up a quick update. Issue still persists. I also have access to a 14" SkyWatcher SynScan Dob, have the same issue. Tech support over at SkyWatcher is, in a word, nonexistent. I almost got excited today, SkyWatcher's website looked different but it's still v2.1.11 available for Android....

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