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Beta Testing SkySafari 6 (iOS Only) - Read This To Participate!


Invitation to iOS Users:

Everyone here in the Community Forums (with an Apple iOS device) is invited to participate in the beta-testing cycle :) 

Your beta-testing feedback, whatever you can contribute, will be invaluable to the success of SkySafari 6!


How to Apply:

Please reply here (in a comment below) if you can help us at this time.  Please outline your experience with SkySafari, including what versions of SkySafari you have run previously, what telescopes you are controlling, what kind of astronomy you are involved in, if you are a power user, etc.  Please do not post requests to join the SS6 beta in other forums, as they will not be accepted.  If you're reading this you can reply here.

When you are officially invited to participate you will see and have access to the SN6 Beta Testing forum.  The SS6 Beta Testing forum is hidden until you are invited to participate.  When you are accepted, you will be notified via a TestFlight email and then you will be able to both view the SS6 beta forum and download the SS6 beta app.

Please note, not all applicants will be immediately included in the beta-testing.  So, if you apply and do not hear back please be patient.

*** If accepted to the SS6 beta-testing forum please do NOT report bug/issues on this post.  See below for workflow ***


The Process:

As you find bugs/issues in SkySafari 6 please first review the current discussions in this beta-testing forum (which is hidden until you are invited).  If your bug/issue has already been identified please comment on the existing post.  If your bug/issue has not been identified please create a NEW post in the SS6 Beta Testing forum. 

For clarity regarding this bug reporting process please see the Example Bug Report (hidden until you are officially invited)

Please do not submit tickets with bugs/issues.


How To Follow The SS6 Beta Forum:

As part of your participation we would appreciate that you follow the SS6 Beta Testing forum.  Following a forum means you will receive email updates when anyone creates a NEW post or comments/replies to one of the existing posts. This is important for two reasons.

  1. Following the forum ensures you receive email updates regarding all admin communications to the beta testers.  If admins make a post asking for assistance you will get an email update with that post.
  2. Following is also very important so that you have an on-going status report regarding bugs/issues identified, confirmed, requiring further testing, or have been resolved, etc.  This will help you stay on top of the overall process, and ensure you are not duplicating efforts where issues are already known and resolved.


To FOLLOW the SkySafari 6 Beta Testing community forum please see here.  Note, you must have been invited first, and have access to the forum before you can follow it.



Replying to Email Updates:

When you follow the SS6 Beta Testing forum you will receive email updates regarding new posts (and comments, if opted for).  Please do not reply to email updates using the "Reply" function.  Please first use the "View the comment" link to open the community forum post, then reply to the post.  

This point is crucially important - so please understand the image below (this an example of an SS6 Beta Testing email update as seen using my web browser Yahoo email account).

If you use the email update "Reply" function your reply will not be added to the community forum discussion.




In order to participate you will need to have TestFlight installed on your iOS device(s).  You can download and install TestFlight from this link here:


How to Use the Community Forums:

For clarity regarding how to use the Community Forums (posting/replying/following) please see here:

How To Sign Into The Community Forums (Required For Posting And Replying To Topics)

Browsers Supported by Simulation Curriculum Community Forums (Cookies Must Be Enabled)

How To Use Your New Community Support Forums


Beta Testing Summarized


  1. SIGN IN or create account on this Simulation Curriculum support website.
  2. REPLY to this post (in a comment below) in order to apply to the SS6 Beta Testing group.
  3. When invited to join the beta testing, download and install the iOS TESTFLIGHT app.
  4. FOLLOW the main SS6 beta forum to be kept up-to-date of any new posts (bug reports) and discussions thereafter (you get email updates).
  5. REVIEW previous beta testing discussions before posting your bug report.
  6. COMMENT on bugs already reported.
  7. Create NEW posts for bugs not yet reported.
  8. Follow the bug reporting GUIDELINES when reporting or commenting on bugs.
  9. Do NOT reply/comment to email updates.  Instead, VIEW the post first, then comment.
  10. Post any questions, about anything to do with the beta testing, in the beta forum.  We will reply to you there. 

Thank YOU! 

We are very excited about the up and coming release of SS6 and we're looking forward to working closely with everyone involved in the beta testing.

Again, this is only for Apple iOS devices, at this time.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


  • 0
    Tim Campbell

    Hi Keiron,

    I am happy & able to participate in the SS6 iOS beta testing.

    I use SS5 Pro currently on both my iPad and iPhone and used SS4 Pro prior to that and use it to control Meade and Losmandy telescope mounts.  I've done this via the SkyWire cable as well as though the SkyFi II.  I do use the watch integration for ISS & Iridium flare notifications.

    I tend to be more of a power-user and in addition to the telescope control features, I use field-of-view overlays for camera previews, eyepieces, etc.  do syncing of equipment lists across devices via iCloud and use Orbit mode viewing perspectives, etc.  

    As for what type of astronomy I'm involved in... (I'm fairly heavily involved) besides personal viewing and astro-imaging, I'm an active member of a large astronomy club in my area, I do quite a bit of outreach including public viewing nights, speaking to school students, and regularly give planetariums shows.  I do create visual simulations (used in outreach) -- but I use Starry Night for that (not Sky Safari). 

    Kind Regards,



  • 0

    hi Keiron

    Ill be interested also

    Please outline your experience with SkySafari, including what versions of SkySafari you have run previously, what telescopes you are controlling, what kind of astronomy you are involved in, if you are a power user, etc.

    - bought most / all previous pro versions 5,4,3 etc. Use every time out, use for visual astronomy i.e for observing lists, finding deep sky / double stars / clusters / planets.Own SS5 currently and skyfi 3. Use it with skywatcher AZEQ6 and manual mounts, scope wise 12" newt / 6" refractor. Use many features including descriptions of objects, satellites, setting horizon, controlling mount, satellite finding / identification, simulated paths of objects, star hopping with zoomed in views etc

    I own Iphone7 plus latest IOS, also have ipad mini though use iphone mostly





  • 0
    Stuart Glen

    I'm interested, Keiron.  I've used SS 3, 4 and 5 and have used it to control two Sky-Watcher mounts - the EQ8 and the AZ-EQ6.  My interests are visual, astrophotography, and sketching and find SS helps me with all three pursuits, though not always the same way.  My main use is for creating nightly object lists, planning starhops, and determining fields of view with various equipment configurations. I wouldn't consider myself a power user, but I am familiar with most of Sky Safari features and would be interested in help test future versions.


    - Stu

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    Nicos Kountouris

    I want to help as well. Long time (and very heavy) user of SS since version 3. I use a manual Alt-Az mount and SS made me dump my printed maps, Megastar & ST3, as I only do visual astronomy and rely on SS 100%. Scopes in use are a 5" and 3" refractor. I can also test SS with my Discmounts DM-4 with Nexus for Push-To option.

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    Pepe Paco Tarifa

    Hi, long long time SkySafari user here. Would love to beta test the new version, especially since Bill Tschumy has told us he is working on some Joystick/tilting control for Skysafari in the upcoming version!...

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    Roman Bakay

    Hello! I will be glad to become a beta tester.
    I have been using SkySafari for many years. Started with the version of Sky Safari 3.
    I am made a number of suggestions for improvement and reported errors.
    For example here

    Advanced user of astroprograms since 1996. Visual observer.



    PS. iOS 11, Iphone 6S, iPad Air


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    Vic Menard

    Hi Keiron,

    I’m interested in beta testing SSPv6. I’ve used Sky Safari since it’s inception—was a Voyager user before that. I worked with Tim deBenidictus (sp?) to sort out the wiring (pin out) for the original SkyFi several years ago. I use Sky Safari with my ServoCAT drive and I have the software installed on my iMac, MacBook Pro, iPhone & IPad Pro.

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    I volunteer. I'm a long time Skysafari use and lover. The best, bar none.

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    Howard Gao

    I'd like to be a volunteer as well. I'm relatively a new user as I only used SkySafari 5 pro before. I'm using it with SkyFi to control my Takahashi EM-200 for my Tak refractors. The 5 pro is installed on my iphone and iMac. Thanks.

  • 0
    Pierre Paquette


    I have been using SkySafari since version 3, which I translated to French (working closely with Agustin Guerrero and somewhat with Tim De Benedictis). I also translated versions 4 and 5.

    The telescope I control is a SkyWatcher SynScan 10″ Dobsonian (goto and track), but I have sometimes used it with other telescopes belonging to friends. I have a SkyFi2 module.

    My mobile device is an Ipad Air, and I also use an iPhone 6.

    Best regards to all,

    Pierre Paquette

  • 0
    Dave Sopchak

    Hi all, I've been using SkySafari since before it was called SkySafari, when Tim first made it. I'm an occasional mac developer, make my own telescopes and control hardware. I have one of the earlier versions of SkyFi. My mobile device is an iphone SE. Death to large screen phones! OK, maybe that was a bit severe.

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    George Tang

    Hi, I'm using SkySafari5 on my iPhone and iPad, as well as SkySafari 4 on my Mac. Glad to participate in the Beta test:)

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    Hi, I really love SkySafari 4, SkySafari 5, and I will love SkySafari 6. Thank you.

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    Happy to give this the smoke test.  I would be running it on an ipad linked to a SKYFI on my DOB.

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    I’ve been using SS for 2 years, current version is 5 Pro.

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    Jim Warthman

    Hi Keiron,

    Although I've owned versions 3 and 5 of SkySafari Pro, I am not a power user, and I do not control scopes with it. My interests are more along the lines of wide-field astrophotography, and SkySafari Pro helps me plan & visualize my shots.

    But I'm pretty good at finding issues with software, and would enjoy participating in the beta test.


    Best Regards,




  • 0

    Hi, Im using SkySafari Pro 4 and 5. I use it often to see when I can take pictures from deep sky objetcs. I take it to my observing list and make a plan when can I take the photos. A nice feature was to control my telescope mount (Celestron and Skywatcher) with the app. Maybe ther will be a german translation one day :) and hope I can help you to find issues with the sky safari 6 beta

  • 0


    I would certainly like to participate. I have used SkySafari for many years, Pro version only once it became available. The availability of this specific program was one of the main reasons I purchased an iPad - I like the real estate. I do use it from time to time on my iPhone but my main use has been on an iPad, both standalone and linked to my AP mounts via SkyWire. I have setups configured of my various scopes, with overlays for eyepieces, CCD and DSLR cameras both on the scopes and alone with DSLR lenses. SkySafari is an amazing piece of software and I hope it continues to be such well into the future. If I can be of help I would certainly appreciate the opportunity.



  • 0

    Hi, I'm eager to test Sky Safari 6 for iOS.  I have been a Sky Safari Pro user since Sky Safari 3 and have enjoyed seeing the product continue to improve with each release.  I have submitted a few bug reports for versions 4 and 5 and have been very happy to see the issues fixed so quickly. Currently I use Sky Safari to control two telescope, the Celestron Evolution 9.25 and also the Orion xx14g using the external Skyfi. At least once each month I travel to a dark sky site in Arizona and always look forward to spending hours using Sky Safari.


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    Nadav Rotenberg

    I would like to participate!
    I am the head of the Israeli astronomical association. Observing for more then 20 years and an iOS developer my self.

    Have been using SkySafari since version 3 on iOS

  • 0

    Hello, I am a skysafari 5 pro user with a Nexus piloted 16" dobsonian.

    I would be pleased to test the lastet version on Iphone and Ipad

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    Alain Schartz


    I'd be happy to help. I'm a SkySafari 5 Pro user (iPad, iPhone and mac). I have a refractor on a SkyWatcher AZEQ5 GEM which I control through Celestron StarSense (with SkyWatcher box) connected via either cable or RaspberryPi WiFi-to-serial bridge.

    I'm a visual observer and have recently started muddling along in EAA.

  • 0
    Robert Lucas

    Robert Lucas


    I accept the invitation. I have used SkySafari Pro with my Celestron, SkyWatcher and Losmandy drives running on my iPads, iPhone and MacBookPro with a SkyWire adapter. I typically use SkySafari Pro as an Out Reach tool for visual observation. I think it would be an interesting exercise to use SkySafari Pro as an aid in my star spectrum analysis and imaging efforts.

  • 0

    Hi Keiron,

    thank you for inviting me to SS6 test.

    I will be happy to help you improving your software.


  • 0

    Yes, I would like to participate in the SkySafsri 6 Beta program. Hopefully I can make a contribution.

  • 0

    Please include me for the beta testing.  Thank you


  • 0

    Please sign me up for the testing.

    Have iPad Pro 12.9 latest iOS. Fully loaded memory.

    Have 3 AP mounts with CP4 AP900, AP1600 and Mach1

    Also 2 CGE Pro's




    Meade LX200 14" GPS 



  • 1

    I have been using SkySafari since it first became available and have multiple SkyFi units connected via iPhone and iPAD to my mounts.  I would like to participate in the BETA testing for SkySafari 6

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    Jonathan Gray

    Hi there, I received an email invitation to test Sky Safari 6 and I would love to participate. I've been a Sky Safari iOS user since version 3. I'm using an iPhone X. Thank you!

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    Stephen Bourgoin

    Hello Keiron,

    I received an invitation to apply in order to test the beta version of SS6.

    I presently use SS pro 5 on my Apple 6S and on an Ipad pro. I own a CGEM and CG5-GT mount and operate them with this application through a SqyQ Link module.

    I'm in the process of officialy forming an Astronomy Club in my region where the sky is awesome and i plan to make things move up so an observatory gets build up. I own an SCT9.25" and a Televue Pronto 70mm. I have several friends around that will follow my astrophotography work and have been approached to do some conferences about my work. 

    I speak and write english as good as french and i know french people would benefit from a french version of this app.

    I would like to participate in the BETA testing for SkySafari 6 and I would be pleased to test the lastet version on Iphone and Ipad.

    Best regards, 


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