Thanks for the latest update providing a FOV which can be rotated, however, it does not properly follow the correct orientation over time as the FOV in SN 7 did.
Eggerk Any word on when this feature will be added back into the "upgrade" to SN8? It's been 4 months since I purchased the upgrade to SN8 and I still use SN7 for my astrophotography planning because the FOV in SN8 doesn't rotate as it would when an equatorial mount points to different locations in the sky. One does not purchase an "upgrade" and expect to lose long-standing features; it seems deceitful for you to have presented SN8 as an upgrade when features have regressed to the point of being unusable. So 4 months later I'm still waiting for you to add back an essential feature that makes SN useful for me as an astrophotographer. Very disappointing.
Mjmangieri Yes. I had complained about this as well. When do we expect to see this "re-incorporated" into SN8.
Permanently deleted user I have also posted questions re FoV not rotating with celestial coordinated and have had no response. I posted in the yahoo group, created a ticket and posted here!
Another FoV problem is the camera-offset does not work. It's supposed to allow for a guide camera that is offset from the centre of the FoV. This works in SNP7 but not in SNP8.
Growflavor Good that this is marked as "planned" but I agree that an update as to where this sits in the stack of priorities would be helpful for the community.
Do any of you happen to have access to the beta thread to see if there are any updates there as to what fixes like this one are actively being worked upon?
Permanently deleted user I no longer have access to the beta releases.
I would just like an acknowledgement of any sort. I missed the "planned" status. I guess that counts for something. But my point is i am guessing.
Mjmangieri Crickets!! Any news on this issue????
Permanently deleted user Keiron Smith (development manager) replied to my post which is a similar issue. It specifically mentions the rotation as an issue.
He said that he has assigned it a development number and therefore will be reviewed and considered for the next release.
Mjmangieri Any word on WHEN this new release will be coming out?
h.h.willems Hello,
Today I found out that if I enter a rotation angle of 45 degrees, I am able to rotate the FOV indicators. I always used to fill in 0 degrees for the rotation angle and then it appeared to be impossible to rotate the indicator.
(Observe, FOV indicators, then select the desired indicator in the list, Edit and then enter 45 in the field for Rotation)
Cablsurfin Still waiting on this to be fixed. Very frustrating.
Cablsurfin It's been over two years. This is obviously not getting fixed. SN8 is unusable for astrophotography due to this bug. I've been using SN7 exclusively even after spending money on SN8 PP. I feel like I've been ripped off. Calling something "Pro Plus" when it doesn't have this basic functionality is dishonest to the customer. After being loyal since SN4, it's time to move on to another planetarium program.
Jason Coon I just purchased today, been using Stellarium for a couple years and figured I should "step up to professional" software. What a joke. 5 minutes in and I realize that this most basic functionality isn't supported. I feel like I've been cheated.
And to h.h.willems I appreciate the tip, but they must have changed something in the two years since you made that suggestion. The rotation value is listed in that view, but it's greyed out and not directly editable. I can only change the rotation value by clicking and dragging the "+" symbol at the top of the FOV indicator in the UI. Doing so will update that field, but it's still greyed out and not directly editable.
h.h.willems Hello Jason,
Rotation of the FOV indicator works for me by click and hold the left mouse key on the +-sign of the FOV-indicator. You will see a double headed arrow. Then move the mouse to rotate the indicator. I currently have version IeEW of SNP. Let me tell you how I did this.
Under Observe, Equipment I filled in the properties of my telescopes, barlows/reducers, camera's, etc. Your computer always needs to be connected to the internet, otherwise these data will not be saved and later on remembered by SNP. Then you can create one or more FOV indicators via Observe, FOV Indicators, New, From Equipment. The final step is to click on the Quick Search Items symbol (3 horizontal lines) left of the search window (top right) and go there to FOV Indicators. Under Telescopes, From Equipment you can create specific combinations of telescope, barlow/reducer and camera or eyepiece. You have to do this for each desired combination. This is kind of cumbersome, but it only has to be done once.
Now mark the wanted combination(s) in the created list. You then will see the according FOV indicators on your screen. They can be rotated in the way I described above. Try it and have fun!
Cablsurfin It's supposed to rotate automatically as the object rotates over time. Manually rotating it is not a satisfactory workaround.
Jason Coon Hi h.h.willems,
I appreciate the followup, and I've done all that, but as Cablsurfin mentioned the rotation should be automatic as the FOV moves across the night sky to simulate how an equatorial mount moves. Without that this software is useless for planning or managing an astrophotography session.
Permanently deleted user As far as i can determine, the problem still persists in SNP v8. The FoV should rotate as per the telescope mount type. For a GEM, the FoV rotates with the celestial grid. For an Alt-Az mount, the FoV will rotate with the Alt-Az grid. There used to be a setting to specify the mount type with the FoV so the rotation was correct. Now it's gone.
The same problem was introduced in some version of SkySafari and now is fixed. So optimistically, the developers understand the requirements.
It's very disappointing that the support for the PC/Mac Starry Night program is a low priority compared to the IOS/Android apps. I posted this problem 3yrs ago and yet there is still no fix. The dialog in the ticket implies that there is no fix, but the SkySafari fix says different.