I do not know if it's normal behaviour or at this beta phase this function is not complete yet, but I have problem with mount positioning. I can describe two scenarios, root cause might be the same, no celestial coordinates coming from the mount, only "raw data".
1. In case of using SkySafari only
- I connect to the mount via SkySafari app
- Mount position information show to default, towards NCP regardless its actual position
- Star alignment is not possible, if I try to set the mount to a certain star and press align button in SkySafari, I receive an error message: "Command Failure - Your alignment target is too far from the telescope's actual position. Please make sure yiu selected the right alignment target."
2. In case using both SynScan app and SkySafari
- I set up the mount in SynScan via the normal way, goto works properly with SynScan
- I open SkySafari and connect it to the mount
- SkySafari's telescope direction points to a different part of the sky, far from the telescope's real position which makes goto function useless, the telescope coordinates are completely wrong in SkySafari
If I compare how it's working via the old method with two IOS devices, there is no problem. In this case I use one device with SynScan and an IOS device with SkySafari - standard SynScan connection, NOT SynScanLink!
- I set up the telescope mount with one device using SynScan app, goto is working properly with it
- I set up another device with SkySafari conecting to the first device's IP address via the old SynScan connection
- SkySafari shows the correct telescope direction, goto is accurate
Used equipment:
SkyWatcher AZGTi mount, firmware version 3.20 (standard, AZ mode)
iPhone 8 IOS version 13.4.1
iPhone SE IOS version 13.4.1
SynScan app version 1.18.3
SkySafari Plus beta